Scottish Surf Tours : A customers perspective

Surf exploration is part of the ethos of Coast to Coast Surf School since our first surf tours back in 2007. Since then we have been exploring the wonderful Scottish coastline and surfing some really unique locations. This year we were lucky enough to have surf adventures in the South East of Scotland, all the way to surf camps in the Outer Herbrides. We thought what better way to give our customers a taste of this experience but to ask our triple surf tour customer, Martin Young.

Martin is a 52-year-old nurse based in Edinburgh who first got into surfing on a trip to Portugal in Lapoint recommended to him by a friend, before later stumbling across his local surf school Coast to Coast.

Our Scottish surf camps take on three forms, Mobile surf tours (hunting down the best waves in Scotland), Island surf tours (heading to our favourite hebridean island spots) and North Coast Surf tours (you guessed it, heading to the north coast of Scotland). Each tour presents its own adventures, excitement and challenges.

For the season of 2023 Martin decided to join three tours.

The first was our May Mobile Surf Tour led by our experienced instructor Josh, who took the group to the east coast of Scotland, heading south to the Scottish borders.

Martins second was our June Island Surf Tour set out in the Hebrides with our two instructors Clover and Malcolm leading a brilliant tour of the stunning islands.

Martin recalls a highlight of this tour (and his favourite moment of all the tours) was when we all headed out on a sunset surf and those remaining on the beach built a campfire, got the smores ready and when we returned the atmosphere was so chilled and relaxed. The good company was infectious and we laughed none stop through the stunning sunset and the stars came out.

The third was an August Island Surf Tour led by Josh with a hand from good friend of Coast to Coast, Kevin. All customers scored great waves.

Martin – Why surfing? Why the tours? Why three?

Q: Why three tours? What is it about them that you love so much?

Martin: The tours are great. The teaching staff are excellent. The scenery is fantastic. The other folk on the course have all been great too.

Q: What has surfing taught you about yourself?

Martin: Surfing definitely reinforces the value of perseverance because you have to spend a lot of energy and time before you actually get to a point where you can do something which feels like surfing.

Q: What do you think are the barriers and challenges that stop people getting into surfing?

Martin: I didn’t know how to go about starting. Or maybe they think it’s a closed culture. They might think it’s just for young people. I started at the age of 52 and everyone was completely welcoming all the time.

Q: What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into surfing?

Martin: Get in touch with Coast to Coast.

And of course, we could help but ask…

Q: If you HAD to, who would you say is your favourite instructor and why? (we won’t tell them)

Martin: I’d have to see them all pitted against each other in some sort of Gladiator situation before I could decide that properly. They are all excellent.

On behalf of everyone here at Coast to Coast that had the pleasure of Martins company over the summer, we would just like to say thank you for always bringing the laughs, the stories and the positive and supportive attitude. It has been a pleasure to have Martin as a guest and we look forward to seeing you back for the 2024 season.

If you yourself would like more information on our surf tours/ surf camps, please head to our website or email our office [email protected].

We hope to see some of you next year to enjoy the beautiful spots we have all across Scotland! Plenty more adventures to come…

Scottish Surf Camp

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Find your surf level

Surf coaching can help you improve quickly but it’s important to start at the right level.

We have 4 stages of development: beginner, improver, intermediate and advanced.

The way we teach, where and what we offer varies depending on your level.


Ideal for?

  • Those new to the sport of surfing
  • Those who have surfed before but struggle to catch or stand in white water waves

Aims: To have fun surfing safely while developing your technique and knowledge – becoming a white water warrior!

Availability: Daily lessons subject to waves.

Beginner +

Ideal for?

  • Those with experience of surfing white water.
  • Those who can stand up on a surf board

Aims: To have fun surfing safely while developing control, learning speed and turning techniques.

Availability: Daily lessons subject to waves.


Ideal for? 

  • Those who can catch waves and stand with good posture consistently and in control in white water
  • Those who are surfing unbroken waves but are struggling to catch unbroken waves, trim along or control speed.

Aims: To catch more unbroken waves and surf with control while developing your technique and knowledge. Become a green wave glider!

Availability: Weekly lessons subject to waves.


Ideal for?

  • Those that can surf with control along both big and small unbroken waves.
  • For those that wish to improve their technique on unbroken waves.

Aims: To improve how you surf an unbroken wave going higher, lower, further and deeper. Develop better body dynamics on the board.

Availability: Bespoke surf & surf skate lessons with a senior instructor. Development courses and tours.